Mustard Seeds Fund

The Mustard Seeds Fund was originally a Memorial Scholarship program started by Julie Krug and Mario Luna at Sts. Peter and Paul Church. Julie was the Director of Youth Ministry at the parish and Mario was a catechist. They often talked about creating a scholarship program that would reward graduating seniors who stayed active in youth ministry all four years of high school. Both Mario and Julie had suffered loss in their families and wanted to somehow honor graduating seniors, while remembering their loved ones and others who had been part of their parish community. Many people have joined them in their mission, and most of the donors are those who sponsor a scholarship in a deceased loved one’s name.

The Memorial Scholarship Program became a reality in the spring of 2012 and over the years, hundreds of graduating seniors have received scholarships in the names of deceased members of the Sts. Peter and Paul Community. The theme for this scholarship fund is “So that those who made a difference in their lifetime can continue to inspire future generations.” Each one of the people who are remembered in these scholarships made a difference in the lives of their loved ones, friends, co-workers, and even complete strangers. Our hope is that our graduating seniors, inspired by those who have gone before them, live out their legacy of faith, humility, joy and determination.