Young Life is a world-class ministry for adolescents, that started in New Braunfels in 1992. Our staff and volunteers enter the world of kids, focusing on what matters to them — fun, adventure, friendship and a sense of significance. In doing so, we earn the privilege of talking to them about something that we think matters most of all — the truth about Jesus Christ.

Our goal is to plug kids into the church for life.

All of our staff and volunteers are active members of a church community.

Young Life is non-denominational/blessed by all major denominations/etc.

We have something to offer believing kids too — the opportunity to join with folks who want to impact their school for Christ.

In Young Life, we believe that every kid deserves to hear about a God who loves them. That’s why we’ve grown and adapted to make sure kids from all backgrounds and abilities can hear about the greatest love story ever told.

High school students, middle school students, college students, students with disabilities, teen moms, military brats, and kids from all over the world can see what Young Life is all about!

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